Online services
Online consultations
As well as face to face consultations, video and telephone consultations, we are able to offer an on-line consultation service. This is offered in partnership with AccuRx, an approved NHS Partner. For access to the service click the PC icon below:

Please use this service to share your clinical need/messages for the team but please do not use this for urgent or same day healthcare needs. Please read the opening pages of the portal regarding the types of clinical need that we can not manage via this service.
The Practice will review your submission within 5 working days. Once your request has been submitted you should receive text confirmation of receipt. You do not need to check we have received your request. If you have not heard from us in 5 working days, you could contact our reception team to check on progress with your enquiry.
If you do have a more pressing urgent or same day healthcare need, you can call the surgery on 01508 494343. Please consider carefully the need to call 111, 999 or visiting the hospital Accident and Emergency Departments.
Wider access to on-line services
The Practice is pleased to offer a range of on-line services to patients. This includes:
- Booking or cancelling appointments with our doctors.
- Requesting repeat prescription.
- Viewing your summary care record (the emergency record that has been created for a range of health care providers to access in the event of an emergency). This will not be available if you have opted out of this being created.
- Access to your detailed coded medical record.
- Access to your full medical record (from the date of application onwards).
If you would like online access, you should visit the surgery in person with photographic identification such as a passport, driving licence or student card.
We will then provide you with a log in and password to use to access the range of services. Your initial access will allow you to book and cancel appointments, view your summary care record and order repeat medication.
If you already have registered for online access and have a log in and password, you can access the service by clicking here.
Once you have online access, you have the ability to request access to your detailed coded medical record or full medical record. Once you have requested this, we will prepare the record for release (within 14 days) and when ready, you will see access when you next log in online. If you have requested your full medical record you will only be able to see your records from the date this request has been processed. A specific request should be made if you would like access to your historic medical record.
The detailed coded access medical record extract will include just entries that have been entered using specific clinical coding used in Primary Care. For example, if you have attended with an ear infection, the doctor will have added a clinical computer code to your record to reflect this. They may have also added some free text along side the code describing other symptoms and a little background to the problem. In accordance with NHS England instructions, this free text will not be visible to you, just the coded part of the record.
You will also see if we have recorded a long term condition in your record such as asthma, diabetes or hypertension.
All blood test results are recorded in your medical record with clinical computer codes and these will be available to you along side any comment about the result the doctor or nurse may have made.
You will also see a record of your immunisations that have been entered with clinical coding and some of the episodes of care, treatment or operations undertaken at the hospital that we may have coded when we were made aware of the situation. You will not see your hospital record or any of the correspondence that we may have sent or received from the hospital or any other health care provider.
If when accessing your detailed coded record, please remember:
- It is your responsibility to keep the medical information safe and secure.
- There may be something that you have forgotten about from the past that you may find upsetting.
- It is your decision whether you chose to share the information with others.
- You may be pressured into revealing details from your medical records to someone else against your will.
- The majority of your medical record is designed to be used and understood by clinicians to ensure you receive the appropriate clinical care and so some of the information may include language and descriptions that you are unfamiliar with and may be interpreted differently by someone outside the health care profession.
- If you notice anything that you feel is incorrect, please advise us straightaway.
- Your medical record will go back to birth but remember that until the late 1990's much of your medical record was held in paper form and whilst key clinical information may have been transferred to your electronic record, it may not include everything you are expecting to see.
There are a number of quick links to online services below; the majority of which require password access, except from the patient survey link, which takes you to our friends and family questionnaire. You can also sign up to receiving a regular copy of our Practice newsletter.
Our Reception team are happy to answer queries on the online services we offer.